All Features articles – Page 283

  • Features

    Projects of the year 2010: Take it to the max


    The big, the beautiful and the bonkers - Ike Ijeh and Thomas Lane dish out the awards to an international array of projects that helped keep construction headlines lively in 2010

  • review of the year

    An overview of 2010


    It was the year we all knew was going to be bad. It was just a question of how bad. The key events everyone was waiting for, with bated breath, were the general election in May and George Osborne’s Comprehensive Spending Review in October

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    2010’s heroes and villains


    The past year wasn’t all bad - which is why we have kicked off our review of the year with the heroes of 2010 - something a little more positive to ease you in.

  • Features

    Happy endings in 2010?


    Whether it was true love or marriages of convenience, 2010 had plenty of matches through mergers and acquisitions - one of which became the industry’s worst kept secret …

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    Quotes of the year 2010


    Some of the most quotable quotes of 2010

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    Unhappy endings in 2010


    The recession continued to take its grim toll on construction, with 760 construction firms becoming insolvent during first half of the year and 68,000 jobs lost by the thrid quarter

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    Election 2010 - A tale in search of an ending


    Politicians had to grapple with a new reality when the electorate returned a hung parliament, something not seen since 1974

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    Deadly rivals in 2010


    Adversity can force innovation. It can also exacerbate problems and rifts. Here is a round-up of the most vicious squabbles of the year.

  • Features

    Sustainabilty targets in 2010


    Just days after May’s election, David Cameron vowed that his government would be the greenest ever. So how is it doing in the environmental stakes compared with the last administration?

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    Global events in 2010


    This year was all about emerging markets after the sudden implosion of Dubai at the end of 2009. Despite this crash, with work in the UK looking so limited, firms have continued to look overseas over the past 12 months for lucrative, if often risky, opportunities.

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    Projects of the year 2010: Take it to the max


    The big, the beautiful and the bonkers - Ike Ijeh and Thomas Lane dish out the awards to an international array of projects that helped keep construction headlines lively in 2010

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    The tracker: Late harvest


    Activity rose for the first time in half a year in October, but winter is already extending its icy grip around the industry. Experian Marketing Information Services reports

  • Money

    The perfect gift: Tax-efficient tendering


    What shows your appreciation for a prospective client better than cutting £1m off a bid? Building explores the surprising savings that can be made from tax-efficient tendering

  • Tim Crocker

    Pollard Thomas Edwards' Islington square: Shaping up nicely


    Pollard Thomas Edwards has made a north London square whole by filling in its missing fourth side with a residential scheme that sensitively reinterprets its traditional context

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    Has the financial crisis killed the construction dispute?


    Conventional wisdom says that this downturn will spark an explosion in legal battles as cash-strapped firms pursue the last penny from their partners. So why do disputes seem to be on the wane? Building and law firm Addleshaw Goddard gather a panel of experts to thrash it out

  • Code Level 6 homes

    Your easy guide to the Code for Sustainable Homes


    The new Code for Sustainable Homes has finally arrived. Here’s a 10-point summary of the changes and the suggestions that didn’t make it into the final document

  • Crocodile

    Making client relationships work


    Clients, being generally large and with sharp teeth, have been pushing their weight around since the recession began. But despite some dangerous swipes of the procurement tail, many have come to realise that they need contractors just as much as contractors need them

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    Bear necessities: interview with Mike Bear, Lord Mayor of London


    Mike Bear, the new Lord Mayor of London, doesn’t intend to spend his year in office admiring the soft furnishings. He has 700 speeches to deliver, 23 countries to visit, and a plan to restore the City’s status as a world leader in development. And he still hopes to find ...

  • Features

    Housing stats: Residential, projects and approvals


    Wales limps on while Taylor Wimpey pips ING Real Estate to the top spot

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    Morrell’s progress


    A year into the job of chief construction adviser, what has Paul Morrell achieved?