All Features articles – Page 263

  • Farringdon station

    Farringdon station overhaul: Boring? If only!


    London’s Farringdon station has been given an overhaul and is ready for more passengers, bigger trains and Crossrail. But it hasn’t been an easy ride - and digging a 140m tunnel by hand was the least of it. By Thomas Lane. Photography by Colin Streater

  • News Analysis

    Carillion's purchase of Eaga: Blinded by the sun


    In April, Carillion bought Eaga - a company with big plans to install PV panels on 30,000 homes - and rebranded it as Carillion Energy Services. Seven months later, government feed-in tariffs have been cut in half, and all 4,500 jobs are on the line. So was the £298m purchase ...

  • Now boarding...

    Now boarding: The aviation sector


    George Osborne’s autumn statement hinted at support for airport projects, including the £50bn Thames Estuary hub - but haven’t the best seats already been nabbed by a few framework contractors and consultants? Building finds out how to fight your way to the front of the queue

  • Hydropower

    Hydropower: Water works


    With all the controversy over solar, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that hydropower produces a thousand times more electricity. Building investigates a power source that could light up the industry

  • PCKO

    PCKO interview: The new country


    Thirty years ago PCKO Architects broke into what was a tough UK market. Now they’re hitting China. So what’s their secret? Andrew Ogorzalek and Peter Chlapowski talk to Emily Wright about luck … and vodka

  • Olympic handball arena

    Cost model: Temporary venues


    With the popularity of global sporting events continuing to grow against a background of economic uncertainty and the need for reducing public expenditure, Hein le Roux of Davis Langdon, an Aecom company, examines the pros and cons of using temporary venues for sporting events

  • Healthcare

    The health care sector: Anyone know how this works?


    The government is bent on a major shake-up of NHS estate procurement, yet it’s been almost silent on how the new system will work. Should the construction industry simply be working it out for themselves? Building asks the experts

  • Nottingham Trent University students cardboard chair project

    Architecture students design chairs


    Nottingham Trent first year students tackle the perfect chair with three cardboard designs

  • Osborne

    PFI: What’s the plan?


    Next week the chancellor will unveil his £50bn infrastructure plan, as the euro crisis causes construction scheme finance to retreat. Joey Gardiner looks at whether George Osborne can tempt new sources of private cash to fill the funding gap

  • Centrepoint

    The notorious work of Richard Seifert


    Ten years after Richard Seifert’s death, Ike Ijeh asks how some of his most well-known works have shaped the architecture of modern Britain - and how controversial they really were

  • Fancy a fourth layer?

    Quadruple glazing: Fancy a fourth layer?


    It’s winter and our thoughts turn to keeping warm by any means necessary. Is quadruple glazing the solution? Thomas Lane peeks out from behind his curtains to ask the experts

  • Good Empoyer Guide 2011

    The Building Good Employer Guide: Pathfinders


    If companies are to navigate through the downturn and out the other side, they need to make some crucial strategic and staffing decisions. Building asks some of the most forward-thinking firms where they’re heading and how

  • Good Empoyer Guide 2011

    The Building Good Employer Guide: What’s the winning combination?


    Employers have a dilemma: the pressure is on to reduce staff costs but also to retain the best talent to bolster business. Our guide reveals new trends in benefits offered by the firms that are ahead of the game

  • Donald Lawson

    Donald Lawson: Bigger and better


    Faithful + Gould boss Donald Lawson knows a thing or two about consolidation thanks to Atkins’ takeover 15 years ago. He tells Building how it got the firm to where it is today

  • Asian ornaments

    Asia markets: ‘Anyone who is not looking at Asia should be’


    UK firms have known about the boom in Asia for some time, but now it’s become a region they simply cannot afford to ignore. Emily Wright reports on a part of the world that will spend $440bn a year on infrastructure

  • Davis Langdon indices

    Cost update Q3 2011


    Never a dull moment: average earnings have improved but inflation is still at a 15-year high, and industrial relations remain tense. Peter Fordham of Davis Langdon, an Aecom company, reports

  • mclaren

    McLaren factory: Driving force


    White, pristine and streamlined – McLaren’s sports car production centre is like no factory you’ve ever seen. Ike Ijeh goes for a spin at the Foster-designed facility  

  • crest nicholson

    Stone unturned: Crest Nicholson interview


    Two years ago Crest Nicholson almost came a cropper under a deluge of debt. Chief executive Stephen Stone tells Building how its buy-out, and some sheer nerve, has enabled it to stay around

  • running

    Survival of the fittest: Courses to improve your CV


    Is your CV as good as it could be? With 2012 looking tough, now’s the time to upskill and gain knowledge to win the race for jobs and further your career. Here are three courses that could put you in the fast lane

  • George Osborne

    Public sector cuts: Client feedback


    Public sector clients slashed projects in response to the chancellor’s swingeing cuts. But as the results of the Constructionline Building Index show, the pain is by no means over