All Features articles – Page 216

  • Cavity lintels

    What to specify: Housing


    This week, we go through the keyhole at some of the UK’s most genteel new residences, including a Buckinghamshire country house with timber leaded windows and a rapidly rendered home in Poundbury

  • Cleaning services

    Sustainability: Facilities efficiency


    As construction becomes ever more energy efficient, attention is turning to facilities management to deliver greater carbon and cost savings. Phil Birch of Sweett Group examines how the purchasing and management of cleaning and catering operations can reduce a building’s environmental impact

  • Crane

    Fair payment charter: Cheque’s in the post


    Few issues are more contentious in construction than payment practices. So will a new fair payment charter that asks contractors to commit to shorter payment times actually work - or merely add to the pile of previous failed attempts to reform the industry?

  • 1914 article index

    This week in ... 1914


    We look back 100 years to 1914 when The Builder magazine was … Looking back 50 years to 1864

  • Roma satdium sketch

    Sketch of the week: Roma football stadium


    Thanks to Dan Meis of architect Woods Bagot for his sketch of the week

  • Panoramic images show the Shishiori area of  Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, (from top) on 15 March 2011, four days after the disaster; on 30 August 2012; and on 14 February 2014.

    Rebuilding after Japan's tsunami


    Three years on from its devastating earthquake and tsunami, Japan is, for the first time, signalling that it needs help rebuilding homes and communities. For UK construction firms willing to dig in, this could mean new opportunities

  • Coming out of its shell

    Building Awards Small Project of the Year: Maggie's cancer centre, Aberdeen


    With its streamlined, organic form enhancing its welcoming ethos, the latest Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre in Aberdeen, designed by Snøhetta, is a worthy winner of this year’s Small Project of the Year Building Award

  • Putting the wind up construction

    Putting the wind up construction


    Ofgem’s announcement last week that the six big energy firms face a competition inquiry has spooked the market and alarmed construction firms relying on new energy generation capacity. But are things really as bleak as they seem?

  • 5-2014-16-forecast

    Building intelligence: Q4 2013


    Data from Experian Economics shows that while construction activity levelled off in Q4 2013, for the year as a whole, activity was on the rise, with growth forecast in the private housing and infrastructure sectors

  • Tracker Feb 14

    Tracker: February 2014


    Construction activity continued to increase in February and was up four points on the previous month. This represents 18 months of sustained positivity. Experian Economics reports

  • Locomotive shed sketch by Simon Smith

    Sketch of the week: A locomotive shed


    Thanks to Simon Smith of Smith and Wallwork for sending in his sketch of the week

  • Make's recycled pop-up cinema

    Video: Make's recycled pop-up cinema


    Watch how architect Make designed and built a recycled cinema at Ecobuild this year

  • The squeeze is on

    Tax changes for temporary site workers


    In a radical move that seems bound to increase labour costs, the government is clamping down on temporary site workers claiming to be self-employed. And as if that wasn’t bad enough news for construction companies using this kind of labour, they’ve only got two weeks to prepare for the change ...

  • Figure 1

    Whole-life carbon: Overheating


    As the latest update to Part L is implemented, Juan J Lafuente of Sturgis Carbon Profiling reports on the findings of a two-year research programme into building performance - which suggest that improvements to airtightness standards could actually lead to higher carbon emissions in the UK

  • The Builder March 1939 archive index

    This week in ... 1939


    Over 70 years ago The Builder drew attention to that rare breed: a woman architect. Oh how times have changed …

  • Grand design

    Creating the Design Museum's new home


    The iconic Commonwealth Institute needed a new tenant - and the iconic Design Museum needed a new home. But adapting a fragile and low-spec sixties building to house a visitor attraction meant using some serious technical know-how

  • Armstrong Ceilings tiles and canopies for council office redevelopment

    What to specify: Refurbishment


    Renewing existing buildings from top to bottom is easier with innovative products to suit a range of projects, from cost-effective acoustic ceiling tiles to slip-resistant flooring

  • Cromford Mill in Derbyshire

    Building 17: Refurbishing Cromford Mill


    The historic but neglected Victorian factory buildings at Cromford Mill in Derbyshire were overdue a refurb. But decontaminating the timber from chemicals used in industrial dyeing proved a test of modern ingenuity

  • Locations of contracts awarded in February

    Making steady progress


    As Barbour ABI launches its latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review, Michael Dall presents highlights, including sector and regional statistics with a focus on the residential sector

  • Santa Costanza, Rome

    Sketch of the week: Roman columns


    Thanks to Bryan Avery of Avery Associates Architects for sending in his sketch of the week