All Executive tools articles – Page 4

  • Monthly new work output

    Market forecast: High hopes


    While sentiment is high for a recovery, new orders are not fully mirroring this optimism, and a supply crunch is hitting the materials chain hard

  • Burnham Overy Staithe 2

    Cost model: Rural affordable homes

    As people head for the countryside with the expansion of home-working, pressure on rural housing stock can only grow, including demand for affordable homes. Aecom’s Paul Houghton explains the specific challenges and opportunities of developing such provision and provides a cost breakdown of a typical scheme

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    Infrastructure update: Our hydrogen future


    Interest in green hydrogen has escalated rapidly, so what are the benefits and challenges of this highly sustainable energy technology and what would a hydrogen revolution mean for the built environment?

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    Cost model: Later living provision

    The later living sector must grow rapidly to support the UK’s ageing population. Alex Hyams of Alinea and Assael Architecture’s Félicie Krikler and Rory O’Hagan consider how to unlock the sector’s potential from a design and location perspective and break down the costs of building a retirement community

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    Tax relief: the Structures and Buildings Allowance


    The Structures and Buildings Allowance extends tax relief from plant and machinery to cover other parts of a non-residential building or structure but it can be hard to adminster

  • Optimism

    Market forecast: Uncertainty looms


    There are signs of an increase in output, but ongoing uncertainty around covid lockdowns and Brexit red tape make the future harder to predict

  • 8 Bishopsgate

    Procurement update: increasing productivity


    Design, procurement and construction processes have become more complex over time, and the added complications of covid-19 and Brexit have piled on the pressure. Steve Watts of Alinea examines in detail the factors affecting productivity and considers how we can bring about improvements to get more for less

  • Level 2

    Cost model: Repurposing offices to labs

    The need for laboratory space is soaring, driven by the booming life sciences sector. For developers and landlords hit by declining demand for offices, this provides an opportunity. Aecom’s Alison Wring assesses the cost considerations of repurposing offices for laboratory use and provides a typical cost breakdown

  • TfL image - Artists’ impression of Greenwich to Woolwich Cycleway

    Infrastructure for active travel


    The pandemic has led to accelerated investment in the infrastructure required for active travel to engineer daily exercise back into our lives

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    Market forecast: A slow recovery


    Construction output and sentiment have regained much ground after their collapse amid the initial lockdown, but ongoing uncertainty means recovery is wobbly

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    Cost model: School buildings


    Demand for school buildings is rising in the UK, but with land and funding at a premium, those tasked with making safe, inspiring educational spaces face tough limitations. Aecom’s Sarah Crowley, Peter Robinson and Jeff Simmonds examine the schools building sector and offer a cost breakdown

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    Lead times: July–September 2020


    No changes were seen in lead times this quarter, as availability issues with materials and labour caused by the pandemic were balanced out by falling demand related to Brexit