Construction procurement, including specification of heating systems, will be turned on its head by new European rules due to come into effect in 2009.

Under the proposed changes designers will no longer be able to specify individual items, but will have to specify complete systems of components that have previously been tested together to prove their energy performance.

The amendments are proposed in the Energy-Using Products (EuP) Directive.

“The impact of the EuP Directive on the UK heating and ventilation industry is likely to be far more significant than any previous legislation, including recent revisions to Part L of the Building Regulations,” said Yan Evans, technical director of Andrews Water Heaters and Potterton Commercial Boilers.

David Pepper, managing director of water heater and boiler manufacturer Lochinvar, agreed. He said: “As I understand it, the directive will place a much bigger emphasis on the total system efficiency rather than simply boiler efficiency.”

Introduction of the EuP is aimed at providing EU-wide rules to accelerate improvement of environmental performance of certain products, and to enable these products to be sold across the European Union.

The EU has commissioned specialist consultants to propose improvements in the life cycle of energy-using products.

In total, 19 product categories are affected by the directive. If the proposals are adopted, they will affect the way boilers, water heaters, lighting, ventilation fans, motors, pumps and circulators are specified.

The EU is considering the proposals and is expected to confirm the final contents of the directive early next year.