A review of the Engineering doctorate (EngD) has concluded the work-based postgraduate degree has never been fully appreciated by the profession and that it offers a credible route to becoming a chartered engineer.

Developed by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in 1992, the EngD is a more vocationally focused alternative to the traditional PhD.

ECUK CEO Andrew Ramsay said: “The EngD is open to articulate and highly motivated graduates with a good degree in engineering or another relevant discipline. Around 1230 individuals have gained or are currently working towards the qualification and more than 500 companies are involved.”

The EngD review panel, which Ramsay was part of, reported that the programme is indeed meeting business needs. It found compelling evidence that many of the engineers are having a major impact on business performance.

The panel’s report calls for more resources for the EngD programme and recommends new schemes be considered in other industry sectors.