The UK government has failed to provide Britain with a coherent energy strategy, putting climate change goals at risk and jeopardising future energy supplies, a new report has warned.

“Present UK policy is a hotch-potch of measures unlikely to deliver the government’s vision,” said the report “Energy, Politics and Poverty” published by a taskforce at Oxford University.

The taskforce criticised the government’s latest energy White Paper, saying it offered only a very small step in the right direction. “Within the UK there is no coherent strategy for replacing one third of UK electricity generation, which is about to be phased out,” the report states.

To help the government meet its carbon targets, the taskforce recommends a much higher level of investment in carbon capture and sequestration, investment in low-carbon technologies, a strengthening of EU-wide energy infrastructure and proper planning and regulation for a nuclear rebuild, “if that is to proceed”.

The full report will be released after 12 June.