EMS Group’s wire-free analogue addressable fire detection system has been installed as part of a major refurbishment to the Cunard Building in Liverpool.

Built during World War One on the banks of the Mersey, the Cunard Building was the centre of Britain’s cruise ship industry for many years. Today, the building is owned by the Merseyside Pension Fund and is a modern office and conference centre housing government offices and commercial tenants.

The 5000 FirePoint system consists of six radio-network control panels and more than 600 radio devices. Grainger Fire Systems, in partnership with managing agent CB Richard Ellis, installed it.

As a 24/7 working building it was important that there was no disruption to the daily routine of the tenants. This was easily achieved as each EMS radio device, such as a fire sensor or call point, can be installed in less than 10 minutes without the need for cable.

Installing a system without fire-rated cable reduced the risk of damaging the interior, and it was cheaper than a wired set-up.