Electronic Communication in Construction: Achieving Commercial Advantage
Tim Cole
£30.00 plus postage and packing
Available from: Construction Books Direct 01344 630810
CBD stock number: 2865
In a text steered towards commercial objectives rather than technological discussion, this book sets out the commercial issues driving, or hampering, recent developments, aiming to dispel the many myths that generate excuses for inertia. With an understanding of these issues, business managers should be able to make informed decisions and achieve operational benefits. Whether their medium is the internet or any other exchange service, this book will prepare decision- makers to focus first and foremost on commercial opportunities.
Tim Cole
£30.00 plus postage and packing
Available from: Construction Books Direct 01344 630810
CBD stock number: 2865
In a text steered towards commercial objectives rather than technological discussion, this book sets out the commercial issues driving, or hampering, recent developments, aiming to dispel the many myths that generate excuses for inertia. With an understanding of these issues, business managers should be able to make informed decisions and achieve operational benefits. Whether their medium is the internet or any other exchange service, this book will prepare decision- makers to focus first and foremost on commercial opportunities.
The elimination of inefficiency from construction requires effective integration of operational processes. If we are to achieve commercial stability, let alone the performance targets set out by Latham and Egan, etc, we must make sure that our information systems, and not just our employees, are up to the task.
Construction Manager