The Home Information Pack Regulations are to include Building Regulations Compliance Certificates issued under Competent Person Self-certification Schemes as part of the required Local Authority (LA) searches. Details of work carried out under Part P and notified via the government-approved Scheme Operators will be included in the Home Information Pack (HIP), required for properties put onto the market after 1 June 2007.

“The inclusion of this information is something we have campaigned strongly for over the past year,” says Terry Pack, head of external affairs at the Electrical Safety Council. “We believe that this information is vital for homebuyers in relation to the safety of new electrical work carried out in the home and hope it will encourage a greater proportion of installers to register with one of the Part P Competent Person schemes.

“We will continue to campaign for the inclusion of a mandatory electrical condition report within the HIP and better enforcement of Part P regs.”

On 19 March 2007, the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) issued a proposal to amend the Building Act 1984 and make it a statutory requirement that LAs keep information sent to Building Control by scheme operators and make it available for searches. The Electrical Safety Council will be responding to this consultation supporting the proposal and is confident that it will be accepted by Government.