Four trade bodies take action against fakes

Electrical equipment body BEAMA has joined forces with the EDA (Electrical Distributors’ Association), ECA (Electrical Contractors’ Association) and SELECT (Scotland’s trade association for the electrical, electronics and communications systems industry) to create a charter in the fight to combat the trade in counterfeits.

The presidents of the four associations signed up to the charter, which commits their members to refuse to trade in counterfeit or non-compliant products. The aim is to drive these dangerous or sub-standard products from the UK market.

BEAMA CEO Dave Dossett said: “Counterfeiting isn’t restricted to producing forged Cup Final tickets and bank notes – it affects all sectors. The electrical products business is not immune. All those in the supply chain must beware – if you’re offered products at ‘too good to be true prices’ they’re likely to be inferior quality fakes or products that don’t comply with the relevant standards.

“Well-known brands and trade marks – even certification marks – don’t escape the clutches of the devious counterfeiter eager to earn a quick buck. Purchase only products from an authorised supplier. Be sure – you are responsible – if in doubt check with the brand owner/certification body.”