Changes to the Royal Charter and By-Laws of the Institution during 2005 established The Board as the governing body of the Institution. It comprises the seven Officers of the Institution and five elected members.

At each AGM, vacancies arise for Officers and Board Members. The Board is required under By-Law 58 to nominate candidates for all vacancies. In addition, the Board has determined that elections will be held to the Council of the Institution, now constituted as a wider consultative body. The Board has made the following nominations to fill vacancies arising at the next AGM:

President Elect: John Swaffield
Vice Presidents: Derrick Clements-Croome, Rob Manning, Mike Simpson
Honorary Treasurer: Graham Manly
Members of the Board: Andy Ford
Members of Council: Fellows, Members & Associates: John Field, Chris Northey
Licentiates, Graduates, Companions & Affiliates (incl. Students): Liz Peck

Short biographical notes for all candidates will be found in the Members section of the CIBSE website at

Fellows, Members and Associates may submit nominations for the offices of President-Elect, Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer, and for members of the Board. Only duly qualified individuals who have been supported by 10 nominations from Fellows, Members and Associates will be added to the lists.

They may also nominate

individuals from those grades for membership of Council. Licentiates, Graduates, Companions & Affiliates (including Students) may nominate individuals from those grades for membership of Council. Only duly qualified individuals who have been supported by five nominations from appropriate members will be added to the lists.

Any such nominations must be made in writing to the Secretary, and must be received at CIBSE Headquarters by 31 December 2006. These nominations must be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee. The names of nominators will follow the name of the candidate on the ballot paper.

The qualifications are as follows:

President-Elect: Fellows of the Institution who hold or have held the office of Vice-President.

Vice President: Fellows, Members or Associates of the Institution who are or have been members of Council (at least one Vice President must be a Fellow).

Honorary Treasurer: Fellows, Members or Associates of the Institution who are or have been members of Council.

Members of the Board: Members of all grades may be nominated (at least three of those elected must be or have been members of Council, and at least three must hold membership in the grades of Fellow, Member or Associate).

Members of Council: Must hold the appropriate membership grade for the category in which nominated, i.e. Fellow/Member/ Associate or Licentiate/ Graduate/Companion/Affiliate (including Students).