Funds available under Train to Gain programme
The Electrical Contractors’ Association has engaged with BEST Electrical Assessment Services (BEAS) to make available a range of adult training initiatives.
Electrical employers in England will now have access to fully-funded existing worker qualification schemes under the government’s flagship Train to Gain skills programme.
The BEAS Train to Gain programme uses an Assess/Train/Assess model to identify specific training needs to meet the requirements of the NVQ3 in Electrical Installation.
A designated technical assessor will monitor progress against the individual learning plan and prepare the candidate for their NVQ submission and subsequent AM2 where applicable
The scheme is fully compliant with the JIB scheme and fulfils the requirements for the ECS card and the current SummitSkills Assessment Strategy requirements.
A new apprenticeship programme from BEAS incorporates workplace delivery of all components of the apprenticeship framework and is delivered in full by BEAS technical staff.
The employer effectively aids the design for the delivery of the programme to suit their needs, which and can be run as employerspecific and/or open courses in the employer’s premises, BEAS offices or independent facilities.
Total programme flexibility allows for a learner to be fast-tracked if appropriate, and for any learner holding previous qualifications to be absorbed into the programme at the appropriate stage. The programme can commence at any time as it is not tied to the traditional academic year.
BEAS was formed out of an alliance between BEST and Electrical Assessment Services (UK) in 2007 to service a growing demand for adult apprentices and existing worker qualification schemes in the electrical contracting sector.
Electrical and Mechanical Contractor