It doesn’t seem a year since I wrote my first President’s View, and by the time many of you read this article, I will have handed over to the new president, Alan Littler, to whom I wish every success.

It has been a real honour to have served as ECA president, particularly during a year when so much has happened.

The Fire and Security Association is now well established as the largest representative organisation in fire and security.

Elecsa is growing at the rate of 120 new applicants a month, which makes the ECA a major player in the all-important area of certification.

The 17th Edition of the Wiring Regulations has been launched, and this has been backed up by a range of seminars and training courses from the ECA, and much more.

My personal involvement, however, has focused on two key issues.

The first is the possible convergence of the ECA and HVCA, where my main objective has been to promote discussion on this important topic, and to try and establish, on behalf of the ECA membership, exactly what form of organisation they wish to represent them into the future.

The second has been to seek to bring the impending crisis of skill shortages and lack of investment in training higher on everyone’s agenda.

The launch of the ECA Training Fund has been a major step forward in addressing this issue.

My thanks go to all concerned, including Electrical and Mechanical Contractor, for their support throughout the year.