With much speculation surrounding the update to the IEE Wiring Regulations, I would like to focus on the need for contractors to demonstrate their competence in order to secure work.

Contractors should be aware that the introduction of the new regulations will, for the first time, impose a legal requirement on the client to take responsibility for ensuring that any work commissioned complies with the 17th Edition.

The client’s responsibility will no longer be to simply go with the best price, but to ensure competence, safety and quality by contracting those with sufficient technical knowledge of the regs.

This will make a significant change to the way people do business. We can expect clauses in contracts specifying that contractors demonstrate competence to carry out work that complies.

Of course, this is going to impact on contractors with plentiful experience but little in the way of formal qualifications. We can anticipate that the client will want to see proof of up-to-date qualifications.

Perhaps we should view this as another step towards cutting out the cowboys. By choosing to invest in training, firms can demonstrate their high standards of workmanship, and they will reap the business benefits in return.