This puts the ECA on target to attain its ZAP improvement targets of 30% for all reportable accidents and 40% for major injury accidents by the end of 2005.
The major reduction is down to the efforts of employers and employees throughout ECA member companies and we are grateful to all those who provided the figures. Our safety statistics are some of the most reliable around, due in no small part to the efforts of the JIB to maximise response.
With health and safety, there is never any room for complacency. The ECA, through its ongoing ZAP initiative, will continue to raise awareness and increase the levels of good practice. Paul Reeve, ECA's health and safety advisor will continue to meet branch members to discuss practical issues.
For 2004-05, new initiatives include guidelines on alternatives to stepladders, focusing on manual handling and contacting the best and worst performers to identify and disseminate good practice.
Electrical and Mechanical Contractor
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