The ECA has introduced a whole host of measures to reduce energy use at ESCA House as part of the CIBSE sustainability initiative, 100 Days of Carbon Clean Up.

Throwing its support behind the CIBSE initiative, 100 Days of Carbon Clean Up, the ECA has implemented a series of energy-saving initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of its head office in London. These include:

  • high frequency lighting will save over 50% on energy usage and running costs;
  • a custom-built mechanical services control panel will provide more accurate control over boilers, pumps, fans etc;
  • optical light sensors in perimeter offices will control artificial lighting in response to daylight levels and motion sensors now turn off lights when bathrooms are empty;
  • timers have been installed to control staff coffee machines, ensuring they only operate during working hours.
These are the first measures undertaken by the association. Director David Pollock says: “Our technical know-how means we are in an excellent position to reduce running costs through the application of a range of energy-saving measures. In addition, we can monitor how some of the latest equipment performs. This will help us advise our members, who are key to the successful installation of energy-efficient equipment in businesses and homes.

Further energy-saving measures include:

  • installing timers and programmable thermostats to turn heating and ventilation off when offices are not in use;
  • installing blinds to reduce solar gain;
  • insulating ceilings, cavity walls, water heaters and supply pipes;
  • purchasing IT equipment with enhanced energy efficient performance.
In addition, the ECA has appointed green wardens to help ensure staff are actively involved in reducing energy consumption, and as a conduit for employee feedback on energy-saving measures.

“Reducing energy and our environmental impact is a top priority for the ECA. It is part of our ongoing commitment to assist members with becoming operationally aware of green issues,” says Pollock. “We are therefore delighted as an organisation to be involved in the 100 Days of Carbon Clean Up campaign and beyond.”

CIBSE president David Hughes says: “The initiatives being implemented by the ECA are extremely positive. We have encouraged organisations of all sizes, types and budgets to join in with the 100 Days of Carbon Clean Up to see what a difference they can make.”