The ECA and HVCA back convergence agenda

The council of the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) met today (23 April) and has given its support for the development of a model for a single organisation to represent mechanical and electrical contractors. Talks will now examine how the ECA and the Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA) could converge.

ECA Group CEO, David Pollock said: “We believe this is a positive move for the Associations and marks the next step in the very important consultative process, in which our members will be involved every step of the way. We are mindful that, whatever model we develop, we need to ensure that our members can see that there is an advantage for them.”

Full support for the development of a convergence model was given by the HVCA Council at its meeting on 13 March.

HVCA chief executive Robert Higgs said: “We are delighted that the ECA Council has also pledged its support to the further development of the vision of a single organisation. We very much look forward to continuing to work alongside our electrical colleagues on this important undertaking.”

Pollock concluded: “We will now begin the development of a model for convergence and remain committed to member consultation. Convergence will only be pursued if the interests of single-discipline mechanical and electrical companies, who still make up the bulk of our memberships, as well as those who are in both the mechanical and electrical markets, can be preserved and enhanced.”