Pollock says outline proposal could be put to ECA and HVCA councils in July

The ECA and HVCA councils are expected in July to consider an outline proposal as to how the two trade associations could come together as a single representative body for m&e contractors.

ECA chief executive officer David Pollock told delegates at the ECA conference in Marbella that he hoped to put an agreement before council in July.

“We need to present a model that is acceptable to members,” he said. “ECA members want ring-fenced resources, to preserve the brands and to ensure that there is no dilution of the interests of single discipline contractors.” He also said that the model should provide a mechanism whereby Select, the Scottish equivalent of the ECA, can also take part in some way.

On training, Pollock also signalled the potential establishment of a Skills Academy to embrace the views of all interested parties.

“Co-operation across traditional boundaries is essential if we are to draw talent into the industry at all levels. There are four times as many applying to join the industry than can be accommodated by the industry – we need to provide employers with incentives,” said Pollock.

In addition to the recent announcement of a £10 m training fund, Pollock told the audience that the ECA was working with the Olympic Delivery Authority on an initiative to develop adult trainees.

Pollock saw many opportunities ahead for contractors. “Contractors can make or break the nation’s efforts in meeting the sustainability agenda. The ECA needs to ensure that members are well placed to take advantage,” he said. “We need to deliver unchallengeable quality on these issues otherwise new people will emerge who will deliver.”