Trade bodies to collaborate on key issues

The Association of Ductwork Contactors and Allied Services (ADCAS) and the Ductwork Group of the HVCA have finalised an agreement designed to facilitate future collaboration and to promote excellence across the sector.

“Our organisations already enjoy a close and harmonious working relationship, as witnessed by the joint seminar held late last year,” commented HVCA Ductwork Group chairman Kevin Talbot. And he added that a similar event – once again focusing on key industry issues – had already been scheduled to take place in 2009.

ADCAS president Malcolm Moss confirmed that he looked forward to a positive collaboration with Ductwork Group colleagues. “The agreement will serve further to cement our relationship, and will assist us in working together for the good of the sector,” he said.

Key areas of activity highlighted in the Partners in Ductwork Excellence Agreement include standards development, vocational education and competence accreditation, along with reciprocal access arrangements relating to websites, specialist publications and training programmes.