Cost model: Mental health facilities


With mental ill health rising and models of care evolving, we need new facilities that fulfil modern mental healthcare requirements

01 / Introduction

One in four people will experience a diagnosable mental health problem in any given year. This means most people will be either personally affected or close to someone affected by mental health issues. The Mental Health Foundation has said that if urgent action is not taken, depression will be the leading cause of disease burden globally by 2030.

The human and societal costs of those affected are immeasurable – and the economic costs are startling.  All are equally unsustainable.  Mental health problems represent the largest single cause of disability in the UK, with an estimated cost to the economy of £105bn a year.   

NHS England analysis has found the national cost of dedicated mental health support and services across government departments in England totals £34bn a year, excluding dementia and substance abuse. Some £19bn of this is government spending, with the balance provided by unpaid carers and the private and voluntary sectors.  

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