A cabling expert has spoken out against a minority of installers who "purchase solely on price" and who "consequently install CCTV cameras that give fuzzy and inferior quality pictures, making it difficult to recognise the villains".
Brian Taylor, MD of Qing Cables , says: "The vast majority of installers are highly professional. However, there is still a very small minority who seem utterly oblivious to the loss of signal over long cable runs. They seem to take the view that the standard RG59 and URM70 they have always used are fine for the job and the price is right. Picture quality on CCTV is, of course, as important as on a domestic television multipoint distribution system, where the attenuation (signal loss) over long cable runs is vitally important, so much so that RG59 or URM70 are simply not suitable due to the high frequencies involved."

In the QC range, the smallest type (1mm conductor) is hardly different in overall size – 6.4mm as opposed to 6.2mm – but the attenuation characteristics are different. RG59 has only a PVC sheath, which is unsuitable for long-term use in ducting or alkathene tubing. He says it makes more sense to install a 'duct'-type cable rather than replacing it on a regular basis.