All Digital construction articles – Page 5
How to get digital adoption right (first time)
Training your workforce well and engaging them with your plans for innovation is crucial
Time to drive the tech revolution in infrastructure
Bluebeam regional director James Chambers on technology in infrastructure
Bridging the valley of death: greener buildings need not cost more
The right use of technology can provide affordable future-proof buildings that perform better for everyone. The ABC is here to help, says Sam Stacey
The benefits of tying the digital twin to the jobsite through BIM to field workflows
Bringing the benefits of BIM to sire allow firms to boost productivity, accuracy and health and safety
Visualisation – the great communications leveller
In just a few years we’ve moved from simple artists’ impressions to digital tools that help can shape a project, says ISG’s Simon Spink
Cryptocurrency could help construction reinvent itself
With one building firm becoming the UK’s first to accept cryptocurrency, the rest of the sector may not be far behind
Your free ticket to the home of offsite technology innovation
The construction sector is at a critical crossroads - offsite technology is now recognised as providing the most important solution to overcome many of the challenges facing the industry today
Advance your business offering when remote working with Open ECX
Remote working isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so why not find the products that save time and reduce costs across the business
5 minutes with … Joy Nazzari at Showhere
The founder of proptech platform Showhere - set up during the pandemic - has worked on some of London’s biggest regeneration projects
In Business: Reds10 and the rise of offsite construction
The firm’s chief executive and chairman discuss a booming business, the switch from consultancy, why family matters and how construction can attract new talent
Disruption is coming – let’s rise to the challenge it brings
Increasing efficiency and reducing waste are essential tasks if construction is to modernise successfully rather than die, Sam Stacey says
Germany poised to snatch UK’s crown as European BIM leader
Percentage of German developers using the tech already outnumbering those in the UK
5 minutes with … Dan Brown at HLM
The new head of MMC delivery at HLM attests to the influence of Lego, dislikes the Walkie Talkie but does enjoy a glass of wine with cheese
Six construction software features document controllers should look for
Viewpoint speaks to Charlotte Thorburn, document controller at Sons Co, about her software needs
Joining the dots: how good data can help us build better
Gathering and analysing data on materials availability across the supply chain can greatly improve efficiency on construction projects. Building, with decision intelligence company Peak, gathered industry experts to discuss how good data can help the sector meet its challenges
How digital optimisation and collaborative planning can benefit construction projects
Explore three key ways firms can profit from BIM
Architect proposes ‘live’ material passports to reduce construction waste
Orms initiative would allow data on materials within existing buildings to be scanned with phones