Sir – I read with much interest the debate on information and ID theft conducted within your Letters To The Editor section in both the April (‘Information theft must be addressed’, p21) and August (‘Information theft is actually legal’, pp20-21) editions of Security Management Today.

Although the law governing these issues is certainly complex, in the absence of more stringent legislation I feel it’s important that businesses be fully aware of the security solutions available to protect their confidential information from falling into the wrong hands.

The destruction of confidential information by a specialist security company is essential for protecting businesses from information breaches and, indeed, identity theft. With that in mind, the British Security Industry Association’s (BSIA) Information Destruction Section has gone to great lengths in producing a comprehensive Code of Practice. This is now a British Standard (BS 8470), in fact.

By using a professional information destruction company that conforms with BS 8470 (authenticated via inspection by a UKAS-accredited certification body), businesses can protect their confidential information and, at the same time, ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act.

Such measures are certainly necessary in an age when information theft is rising and poses a very serious risk to both sensitive business details and a company’s reputation.

Anthony Pearlgood, Chairman BSIA Information Destruction Section