All Data articles – Page 6
Market forecast: Uncertainty looms
There are signs of an increase in output, but ongoing uncertainty around covid lockdowns and Brexit red tape make the future harder to predict
Procurement update: increasing productivity
Design, procurement and construction processes have become more complex over time, and the added complications of covid-19 and Brexit have piled on the pressure. Steve Watts of Alinea examines in detail the factors affecting productivity and considers how we can bring about improvements to get more for less
Cost model: Repurposing offices to labs
The need for laboratory space is soaring, driven by the booming life sciences sector. For developers and landlords hit by declining demand for offices, this provides an opportunity. Aecom’s Alison Wring assesses the cost considerations of repurposing offices for laboratory use and provides a typical cost breakdown
Infrastructure for active travel
The pandemic has led to accelerated investment in the infrastructure required for active travel to engineer daily exercise back into our lives
Market forecast: A slow recovery
Construction output and sentiment have regained much ground after their collapse amid the initial lockdown, but ongoing uncertainty means recovery is wobbly
Cost model: School buildings
Demand for school buildings is rising in the UK, but with land and funding at a premium, those tasked with making safe, inspiring educational spaces face tough limitations. Aecom’s Sarah Crowley, Peter Robinson and Jeff Simmonds examine the schools building sector and offer a cost breakdown
Lead times: July–September 2020
No changes were seen in lead times this quarter, as availability issues with materials and labour caused by the pandemic were balanced out by falling demand related to Brexit
Contract awards slip in September
Network Rail was biggest spending client during the month, according to Glenigan data
Contract awards top £6bn in August
Biggest spending client during the month was DfT, says Glenigan data
Cost model: Garden communities
Low-density rural housing schemes offer an opportunity for true net zero carbon development: from site-wide renewable energy strategies to low-carbon homes delivered through modern methods of construction. Aecom’s Richard Green, Miles Attenborough, Rob Mills and Paul Wilcock explore the benefits and costs
Procurement update: post-covid projects
Clients and contractors face unprecedented levels of uncertainty in bringing forward new projects during the pandemic. Simon Rawlinson of Arcadis examines the options available to help manage the risk
Market forecast: Rising, but for how long?
While the initial bounce-back looks to be V-shaped, there are strong reasons to believe that could change in the medium term as downside risks materialise
Cost model: CLT frame buildings
The rapidly expanding use of CLT saw its trajectory arrested in the UK by new regulations in the wake of Grenfell, but if safe solutions can be found then the material offers considerable cost and climate advantages over more traditional frame solutions. Alinea breaks down the costs
Cost model: Film and TV studios
Even before the pandemic, home streaming of films and TV shows was growing rapidly, feeding demand for new facilities that can create compelling material for these platforms. Aecom’s Paul Davis, Laura Jevons, Ben Hooker and Tim Jackson examine the key cost drivers of building a new studio or sound stage ...
Sustainability: Net zero carbon
Net zero carbon no longer refers only to a building’s operational use, as the construction stage can account for half or more of all carbon emissions. So, how is whole life carbon measured, and how can office developments reach the goal of net zero?
Cost model: Primary healthcare centres
An area of growing focus for NHS investment is the improvement of primary healthcare buildings. Aecom explores how they can provide modern, fit-for-purpose care environments, giving a cost breakdown for an example fit-out
Market forecast: Recovery scenarios
Our regular market forecasts on output, activity, costs and tender prices include an analysis of three different scenarios for recovery from the pandemic’s economic impact
Infrastructure update: The highways programme
Highways England is about to embark on a massive road investment programme, RIS2, for 2020-25. Agnieszka Krzyzaniak and Nora Taylor of Arcadis explore how it will go about delivering the programme efficiently while aiming to minimise environmental impact and increasing its focus on road user experience
Cost model: London office refurb
With a lower carbon impact than new-build and the potential for repurposing existing stock into attention‑grabbing schemes, refurbishment is more than ever a serious prospect for London developers