While everyone and their aunt continues to fret over the “need to take action against global warming”, a curious thing has been occurring on Mars.

There, far removed from CO2-spewing vehicles and coal-fired power stations, the polar ice caps are showing signs of – wait for it – melting (source: “Mars melt hints at solar, not human, cause for warming, scientist says”, National Geographic News, February 28, 2007, news.nationalgeographic.com/news/bigphotos/55741367.html).

Meanwhile, here on Earth the insatiable push for mandatory CO2 emission reductions is based on the theory that global warming is man-made and that by limiting the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, we can stop the “catastrophic climate change” predicted by (among others) Al Gore.

If these assumptions are false, however, that would indeed be an “inconvenient truth”, especially to those who would profit from taxes imposed on everything that breathes out CO2.

Mars is uninhabited by any Martians that we know of, so if that planet is also enjoying balmier summers and milder winters, we must conclude that some other mechanism is at work.

If the sun itself is heating up, as it does from time to time, then all legislation aimed at “combating global warming” is worse than useless. What is the purpose of the Kyoto treaty if it cripples the US economy while producing no climate benefits?

As for Nasa claims that 2006 was the hottest year on record, these are rebutted by the climate expert Steve McIntyre (see www.climateaudit.org). The hottest year on record was 1934 – and only four out of the top 11 warmest years have occurred since 1954.

We needn’t hold our breaths waiting for Al Gore to return his Nobel Peace Prize, however…