Welcome to the first issue of Building Sustainable Design, the new monthly magazine for building services engineers, architects, clients and all construction professionals who care about sustainable, low energy design in the built environment
Building services engineers are a rising force in the construction industry. They have a central role in the drive to deliver sustainability, and increasingly are engaged at the outset of the design process. A true low energy building can only come about, however, when client, designers and contractors work as an integrated team. So, while BSD is aimed primarily at design engineers, we hope it will be equally useful to others in the construction sector who want to understand current thinking about sustainability, read about the schemes and innovations that are helping to define the future, and debate low energy issues.
Alongside the magazine we’ve launched an exciting new website, where you can access the latest news, check out the hottest projects and search our extensive archive of building services features. It includes a global channel linked to our sister magazines, Building and Building Design, to bring you international construction news, so add www.bsdlive.co.uk to your list of favourites now.
There’s also a new learning and continuing professional development site, www.bsdlive.co.uk/cpd, and a blog site, www.bsdlive.co.uk/blog, because we know there’s a lot to talk about in this fast-moving sector. If there’s an issue you want to get off your chest, why not start you own discussion thread?
The magazine is being mailed to building services engineers and architects working in the UK. If we’ve missed you off the list, register for your free copy here. If you’re an overseas reader, or would rather have a digital version of BSD sent to your inbox each month, you can register for that too.
I’ll be bringing my knowledge of the sector from my previous role as editor of Building Services Journal to the helm of BSD. To help me to shape its content and direction, I’ve assembled an editorial advisory panel of leading engineers, architects, clients and contractors. But it’s you, the readers, who matter most. We want BSD to cover the issues and topics you want to read about and which will help you in your job. Please let me know what you think of the magazine and what you’d like to see in it. You can contact me at bsdeditorial@ubm.com
Building Sustainable Design
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