Cost model: Manchester residential


The city is proving resilient to the UK’s political uncertainty, with a development scene that continues to expand in response to growing demand for housing

01 / Introduction

Manchester has long been one of the UK’s most vibrant cities. Its entrepreneurial spirit, thriving cultural scene, sporting excellence and prestigious universities all mean that it continues to attract people who want to live, work and study in and around the city. 

It’s no surprise that Manchester has also provided a wealth of opportunities for developers and contractors. With record levels of development across almost all sectors, 2018 was the most active year for a decade – the total number of schemes under construction increased by 34% compared with 2017, as reported in Deloitte Real Estate’s Manchester Crane Survey 2019. 

This is the latest stage in a long-term regeneration that is transforming Manchester from a post-industrial heartland into a modern, outward-looking urban hub. 

The residential sector continues to play a large part in Manchester’s ongoing rejuvenation. With the city-centre population ballooning from 10,000 at the start of the century to 70,000 in 2018, not to mention its record as the second-highest graduate-retaining place outside London, major residential projects have been emerging from the ground thick and fast. Demand shows no sign of slowing down in the short term, either. 

Manchester has done well to weather the storms of the UK’s uncertain economy over the past few years. With Brexit around the corner, Manchester must now emphasise that it is a global and European city despite the political situation and any exit from the EU. 

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