Cost model: London fringe offices

Cost model London fringe offices September 2019 WhiteCollarFactory_reception-(c)-Matt-Chisnal-HR-CMYK

Developing office schemes here requires a careful balancing of the need to maximise tenant appeal against the constraints of lower rental income

01 / Introduction

Against the backdrop of an uncertain economic and political future, the capital’s workers continue to need spaces and places to do business. Office developers, however, face multiple challenges: not least, meeting ever-evolving environment and wellbeing standards as well as rising performance requirements from occupiers.

London’s commercial office market is evolving as growth permeates into fringe locations, presenting a new range of design, build and cost challenges for developers. But the narrower rental margins on the fringe dictate a more selective, value-added approach to building design than in more central areas, striking a balance between winning tenants and containing building costs.

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