Cost Data – Page 12

  • Features

    Cost update: December 2008


    After sharp inflation in the second quarter, consumer, input, output and materials prices all peaked and are now on a declining trajectory, says Peter Fordham of Davis Langdon

  • Features

    What it costs: Pervious paving


    Sustainable urban drainage systems are a must for school and hospital developments. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans gives the whole-life costs of one solution

  • Citi data centre, by Arup Associates, will be the first data centre to achieve a LEED platinum rating

    Cost model: Data centres


    As IT power increases, so energy use has grown enormously. Simon Rawlinson and Nick Bending of Davis Langdon examine the design and cost implications of low-energy data centres

  • Single-stage tendering is not incompatible with good architecture, as Haworth Tompkins’ Young Vic demonstrates

    Procurement: Single-stage tendering


    Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon sets out the pros and cons of the single-stage strategy and offers some guidance on how clients and contractors can use it successfully

  • Levitt Bernstein designed this housing scheme in Barnet, north London, as a demonstration project for the redevelopment of the Grahame Park estate. The 32-unit scheme consists of family homes for rent and one and two-bedroom apartments for sale

    Mini cost model update: Small projects


    The worsening economic climate and sustainability requirements have affected costs for small projects such as affordable housing, nursing homes and extra-care homes

  • Features

    What it costs: Insulated renders


    Insulated render systems save energy and look good. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans sums up the variety of choices and highlights some topical issues and lifecycle costs

  • Green roof

    What it costs: Green roofs


    Green roofs may have environmental benefits, but what do they cost to install and maintain? Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans talks us through the issues

  • Foreign Office Architects’ John Lewis department store in Leicester is draped in ornate cladding reminiscent of lacy net curtains

    Cost model: Retail development


    This year marks the peak of the retail cycle. With the economy slowing, can future schemes deliver quality and innovation? Simon Rawlinson and Richard Taylor of Davis Langdon investigate

  • Kew Palace in west London was restored to its early 19th-century condition for £5m

    Specialist cost update: Envelopes


    Roofing: In our latest round-up of works packages, Paul Wootton of Gardiner & Theobald says 20% growth is still expected over the next five years

  • The SMLCC will provide 30-year cost plans, which makes it ideal for PFI projects such as schools

    Lifecycle costs: New standard for whole-life costing for buildings


    A new standard has been published that allows whole-life costing for buildings to be compared for the first time. Joe Martin of the BCIS explains how it works and applies it to a notional school project

  • News

    What it costs: Garage doors


    Residential garage doors come in a variety of shapes, sizes, finishes and styles. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans considers their maintenance issues and lifecycle costs

  • Features

    Cost update: September 2008


    The downturn’s effects become evident as inflation escalates for consumer, input, output and materials prices, says Peter Fordham of Davis Langdon

  • The Apple store on Regent Street, central London – a good example of a high concept fit-out

    Procurement: Retail delivery


    The successful fitting out of a major retail scheme owes a lot to effective retail delivery management. Simon Rawlinson and Nick Clare of Davis Langdon lift the lid on the processes involved

  • Kohn Pedersen Fox’s Midfield Terminal at Abu Dhabi airport will process more than 50 million passengers a year

    Cost model: Airport terminals


    UK airport operators need to make substantial investments in infrastructure to prepare for continuing long-term demand for domestic and international flights. Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon reports

  • Features

    What it costs: Thermal insulation


    Insulation is an effective way to help meet Building Regulations targets on carbon emission reduction. Peter Mayer of Building LifePlans examines the effectiveness of different materials

  • Workload, lead times and orders remain solid for lifts and escalators but the sector expects the downturn to affect it by 2009

    Specialist cost update: Services


    Luxury residential and public sector projects are keeping the M&E, ICT, lifts and escalators markets buoyant but the rising costs of materials are starting to have an effect.

  • Features

    Cost model: Office refurbishment


    A slowdown in the office market combined with an increasingly prominent sustainability agenda is creating opportunities for refurbishment specialists. Simon Rawlinson and Max Wilkes of Davis Langdon discuss how to maximise a building’s value with a well-targeted refurbishment programme

  • Features

    What it costs: Bathroom pods


    Using modular bathrooms can save cash, labour and time, says Peter Mayer. So here’s a shower of useful information to consider when specifying and fitting

  • Archive Titles

    Cost model: The benefits of TV via LAN


    Replacing conventional TV distribution systems with LAN technology saves money and prevents low-tech problems such as ghosting, says Davis Langdon Mott Green Wall

  • Features

    Cost update: May 2008


    Manufacturing input costs surge as oil and import prices drive inflation higher, although material cost pressures continue to ease, report Máren Baldauf and Jay Kotecha of Davis Langdon