Corgi and the Electrical Safety Council (ESC) have begun discussions about a possible merger. The combined charities would aim to be the most influential and respected body in the UK for gas and electrical safety issues.

Both The CORGI Trust, through its operational subsidiary CORGI Gas Registration, and the ESC currently develop and implement standards and information about gas and electrical safety.They ensure that gas and electrical safety messages to consumers are consistent and widely available.

Mary Benwell, chair of The CORGI Trust, said: “Both of these charities already have a reputation for independence and impartiality. They are trusted by a wide range of stakeholders. Combining our skills and strengths gives us the potential to increase our capacity to improve customer safety on all matters relating to gas and electrical installations.”

Merging the charities would create greater coherence and clarity with regards to many of the critical safety issues facing both consumers and those who provide gas and electrical services. The merger would also aim to help improve consumers’ confidence in finding professional, safe and reputable gas and electrical installers.

David Dossett, chairman of the ESC, said: “This is an exciting step for the organisation. CORGI and the ESC have each recognised the importance of providing easily accessible support and advice to installers to help them work to an advanced safety level. We believe that merging these two charities would create an even stronger foundation for improving the safety of gas and electrical installations in the UK.”