Proposals to reduce the 109 million tonnes of waste produced annually on construction sites in England and Wales have been broadly endorsed by the building sector.

Responses to a government consultation show 75% of firms support legally binding Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) to reduce illegal waste disposal and improve efficiency.

The views will now feed into DEFRA’s preparation of regulations, due to come into force in England in 2008.

Waste minister Joan Ruddock said: “The government is determined to drive down waste production and increase recycling and re-use. It is very good to have the backing of the industry as we move towards new regulations.”

SWMPs are aimed to reduce the quantity of materials used and to encourage re-use and recycling, as well as disposing in an environmentally sustainable way.

Around 13% of all solid materials delivered to building sites goes unused, and up to one-third ends up in landfill.

The plans would require an assessment of waste likely to be produced on a construction site, and detail how it would be re-used, disposed of or recycled.

During construction, the plans would be updated to record what actually happens to the waste, including legitimate disposal of materials that cannot be re-used or recycled.