All construction forecast articles

  • Brian Green

    Construction forecasters get more pessimistic – the difference a year makes


    Last year turned out to be much worse than predicted with about £3.5bn less work than expected

  • Brian Green

    Serendipity, timber statistics and the search for a better understanding of construction output


    The forecast for imported softwood will be influenced by construction prospects - and the data suggests a more dramatic picture than official figures suggest

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    Forecasters at Leading Edge see growth after a shallow drop next year


    Forecasters optimistic that growth in private sector will compensate for loss in public work

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    And the slump goes on …


    The UK economy shrank by another 0.8% in the second quarter, according to preliminary figures. While the drop was markedly slower than the 2.4% decline in the first quarter of this year, it was still a much sharper contraction than many analysts had hoped for. It also marked the fifth ...

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    Hopes of a recovery on shaky ground


    You’d be forgiven for thinking that the latest CIPS/Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) would provide a better read than June’s figures. After seeing the rate of contraction ease consecutively for four months, the PMI took a turn for the worse fuelling speculation of a ‘w-shaped’ recession.Coming in with a reading ...

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    5 reasons why we might be facing the mother of all construction recessions


    It's coming around to the construction forecasting season again and the industry prognosticators will be gathering to discuss the ups and downs of the industry.If I were you, I'd be bracing myself for some pretty savage revisions to what already look like pretty savage forecasts.Peak to trough in the 90's ...

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    The trouble with house prices


    I read with interest recently the CEBR's predictions for the total fall in house prices and when it expects the turnaround to come and that got me thinking on the topic of house prices in general.The basic problem with house prices is, whose do you use? The ones the press ...

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    Output figures signal more bad news


    The ONS released preliminary estimates of GDP for the first quarter of 2009 and it wasn't pretty. Estimates from macroeconomic forecasters had suggested that GDP would fall 1.5%-1.6% in Q1 compared to the previous quarter. In fact, it was 1.9%. Within the GDP fall in the first quarter, construction fell ...