Training body rounds on press claims

ConstructionSkills has been quick to counter a story published in Contract Journal (CJ) claiming the new Construction and Built Environment Diploma for 14 to 19-year olds is seriously undersubscribed.

The goal, set back in 2006, was to have 4,000 places available for students on C&BE Diploma in the first year, but CJ had suggested that there was only a 25% take-up in some areas and that the diploma was in danger of not going ahead. ConstructionSkills confirmed, however, that over 3,000 pupils have already signed up, with the possibility of more joining over the summer, while one consortia – Sheffield – is already oversusbscribed.

ConstructionSkills' head of standards and qualifications Nick Gooderson said: ‘We always anticipated that the take up would be under 4,000 so this a great start for what is a new qualification. We anticipate that over the next couple of months even more pupils will choose to take it and we’re now very confident the C&BE Diploma will launch successfully this September.’