SIR – I would like to share with the readers of Security Management Today a short piece gleaned from The Daily Telegraph (reproduced below) which makes for very interesting reading.

The article confirms that the licensable sectors of the security industry are now funding the Government’s intention to ‘upskill’ the unskilled with these new ‘Certificates of Competency’. The disclosure concerning the “complex bureaucracy” of the Learning and Skills Council, itself “made up of 47 local branches distributing £9 billion per annum” and latterly “reformed into 148 local partnership teams with the addition of 25 Sector Skills Councils” surely makes us all proud to be involved in this new learning culture.

Let’s not forget, either, that Skills for Security and the Security Industry Authority are aligned to this “complex bureaucracy”.

On the other hand, it seems that the public purse knows no bounds, and needs all of the support from private business it can muster.