2018 - never a dull moment in construction

Chloe mcculloch black

It’s been a hell of a year - in short, things appear to be in a mess. One thing is sure, 2019 is not going to be boring

It’s been a hell of a year – hell being the operative word that describes a whole lot more than the Brexit fiasco that seems more out of control with every news bulletin.

Cast your mind back to our first edition in 2018 when we were witnessing Carillion desperately trying to fix its finances. Our 2018 predictions feature suggested this year would be make or break time for the UK’s second biggest contractor, but few could have known that in just a matter of days the government would pull the plug and force it into compulsory liquidation.

While the initial collapse was sudden and dramatic, the fallout has been slow and painful as the number of company collapses in the supply chain steadily increased.

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