Perhaps Ian Abley was simply trying to be provocative in his Open Mike article (10 June, page 34) but it is rather alarming that any professional designer should express such views. There is much to take issue with in his article but I will settle for the following.

Although he accepts that the construction industry is inherently dangerous he appears to think that the problems rest with everyone other than the designer. What he does not appear to understand is that because a construction site is

a place of work it is incumbent on all concerned to try and make that place of work as safe as reasonably possible.

The key area for designers, who have always had a duty to ensure their designs are capable of being built, maintained and used safely, is to accept that much can, and must, be done before work commences on site.

The challenge for designers is not to think in isolation, nor to think of health and safety as “doing risk assessments”, but to integrate consideration of health and safety in all aspects of their design and thereby not only fulfil their duty of care as a professional but, in so doing, become better designers.

Brian Law, chief executive, Association of Project Safety
