A recent case raises the question, how long must a letter of complaint stay unanswered before a dispute is inferred?
Tony discusses how a recent case showed that silence can infer a dispute. Read the full article here
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Keep up to dateA recent case raises the question, how long must a letter of complaint stay unanswered before a dispute is inferred?
Tony discusses how a recent case showed that silence can infer a dispute. Read the full article here
Here’s a case where homeowners took a builder to court for damages when cracks appeared in their homes. The question was how to calculate what compensation to pay
As one current case shows, companies are getting fidgety about the sensitive information that goes out the door when employees leave to work for rivals
Tony Bingham discusses what happened when the same case came before the TCC and an adjudicator. Read the full article here
2025-01-23T06:00:00Z By Denise Chevin
Building control is being overhauled following Grenfell. Denise Chevin looks at what changes need to be made
2025-01-21T07:00:00Z By Oliver Steele
Much detailed thinking is still required but there is plenty to applaud in the government’s proposals to give greater powers to local authorities, says Oliver Steele of Mott MacDonald
2025-01-20T07:00:00Z By Liz Marlow
As the number and intensity of storms increases, Dr Liz Marlow of Cundall considers how we might become better prepared
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