I always find it interesting to read articles about women in construction (23 October, page 36)

Yes, we are a minority, but we are making waves. I have been in the industry since I left school at 17. I’m now in my 50s and apart from a short break to have a child I have worked continuously. I’ve worked mainly in design, but for the past 12 years I have been in building control, and am working my way up to a senior position.

Like Sharon I refuse to lose my feminine side just because it’s a male dominated environment. I still get comments about hair, makeup and nails but just laugh these off. I’ve learnt that if you laugh at yourself first, nobody can get under your skin.

It can be difficult at times telling a builder he has done something incorrectly, but things are getting easier. It takes longer to get respect, but eventually it is given. I suppose I’m lucky in that I do have a good sense of humour and can give as good as I get – I can be one of the boys – but not!

More articles are needed to encourage women to enter the industry – those that can dispel the attitudes of small-minded people (who are not always men, either).

Julie Brown-Rigby, Breckland council
