In the light of recent economic data, are you worried that construction’s recovery is coming to an end? Vote below
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Keep up to dateIn the light of recent economic data, are you worried that construction’s recovery is coming to an end? Vote below
2015-10-30T06:00:00Z By Sarah Richardson
With the summer of recovery looking in increasing danger of being over before it has really begun
2015-10-27T15:43:00Z By Michael Dall
A buoyant infrastructure sector keeps construction stabilised despite housing seeing a significant drop in activity
2024-06-05T09:56:00Z By Nora Redmond
Planning fees cover only 66% of processing costs, according to latest research
2025-03-06T16:00:00Z By Chloë McCulloch
Our new guide, featuring employers in a range of disciplines and sizes, offers fascinating insights into modern working cultures
2025-03-05T11:56:00Z By Deborah Madden
The CITB’s executive director finds much to be positive about in the latest trends – but warns against complacency
2025-03-03T07:00:00Z By Richard Steer
The prime minister has a golden opportunity to inject confidence in the UK for investors, developers and financiers, says Richard Steer. Only then will his much-touted growth agenda stand a chance
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