Dominic Meyrick

I’m in the God Squad and the website of Brompton’s Holy Trinity church is more relevant than most and isn’t stuffy.

Browsing this site I find myself thinking things like “look at the electrode on that!” – I get hot under the collar about that sort of thing. Also, the organisation is philanthropic, in that it offers its information for free.

These boys publish all the codes and standards and the construction link has good downloadable pdfs.

I don't agree with people my age – I’m 43 – liking new music. But I do like this American band, Switchfoot and even took my 14-year-old son to their concert.

The lighting link on this site is something we need to keep our eyes on as we’re saddos.

Christian Bartenbach is the grand old man of lighting. He runs a lab and is a fascinating scientist.