This week we have more cries of rage from Holyrood, some snorting and stamping from WYG and a story about a band of chickens in Bristol

Scenes likely to offend
In case you missed it, here’s the latest hard boiled episode of Holyrood, Scotland’s answer to The Sopranos. Alan Mack, Bovis Lend Lease’s project director for the parliament, gives an interview to Prospect magazine in which he speculates on the Fraser inquiry’s likely conclusions. These are read by a hack on The Scotsman, who starts babbling about the “Holyrood builder hitting back” … blasting the late Donald Dewar and skewering the equally late Enric Miralles. Cue angry letters from interested parties, including a particularly venomous missive from Prospect editor Penny Lewis. “This is one of the most dishonest pieces on the Holyrood project that I have seen to date,” she steams. Oh deary me, I hope nobody ends up in a garbage compactor over this …

Great minds
Congratulations to BRE director Haig Gulvanessian for being awarded the Czech Technical University’s prestigious Gold Medal First Class for his services to civil and structural engineering. Haig will now join that elite group of eminent academics who have received the gold medal such as … er, George Bush senior.

I must check my facts × 100
Still on an academic theme, I have received a stern telling off from Mr Stephen Morrison, the headmaster of the Kingsdale School in south London. You may recall that I reported that pupils were ripping up books in the school library. In fact, this will not be open until October. I’m wearing my dunce’s cap as I write, Mr Morrison.

Southern fried rooster


Continuing our occasional series on the industry’s beat combos, news reaches me of a Bristol-based outfit called Akoostic Rooster, a four-piece whose next gig will be headlining the Rooster Ball at the Grand Hotel in Bristol on 2 October. The line up includes Simon “The Bass” Witts, regional director of White Green Young, and “Strumming” Steve Price of Price Technical Partnership. I hear they’re fingerlickin’ good.

Scent of rat
They clearly have a high opinion of the construction industry at West Berkshire council.

A local contractor who was searching for a someone to clear a rat infestation turned to a search engine on the council’s website. When he typed in the word “pest”, the top result came up as “choosing a builder”.

Rule little Britannia
Taking the term “multidisciplinary” to exciting new levels, White Young Green is crowing about its prospects at this year’s Little Britain Cup. I’ve received a communiqué informing me that the firm is “pulling out all the stops” to win the illustrious industry sailing event. Apparently, it has gone into secret training and now feels “quietly confident”. Any other teams who feel the urge to snort and paw the ground should get in touch at the usual address.

A little too in the park
A little too in the park
I must commend the dining experience at Hopkins Architects' Inn the Park restaurant in St James's Park, central London. It is a very pleasant venue for lunch, especially out on the terrace. These signature architects do sometimes miss the minor details, though.

A small extension to the roof, for example, would have prevented rain from falling on diners, a fate that befell a lunch companion and myself recently. It just goes to show that, even in our glorious climate, it is worth considering every eventuality.
