Building hit the streets of New York to find out whether the Big Apple will be backing MCCAIN or OBAMA next tuesday

Tony Muia, 44, entrepreneur
Tony Muia, 44, entrepreneur


“Unfortunately a minority of this country has managed to make us look like morons to the rest of the world. It’s time for the silent majority to stand up and prove we don’t pander to faux patriotism”

Tony Muia, 44, entrepreneur

“Obama. In a nutshell, because I live in New York and I don’t work on Wall Street”

Shawn Rice, 25, student

“I am tired of the Republicans and the country needs a change”

Marlon Viera, 33, electrician

Helen Barbieri, 23, fashion stylist
Helen Barbieri, 23, fashion stylist


“It’s got to be Obama, 100%. His values match my thoughts more than McCain’s”

Helen Barbieri, 23, fashion stylist

“I am a Republican man because I want to support the party with more power. In the current financial situation, this party is the one to help the nation recover”

Joseph Carbone, 41, concierge

Eric Smith, 33, project manager
Eric Smith, 33, project manager


“To run a good business in this country you need a Republican government. Just because we have had a crappy Republican president, doesn’t mean they all will be. Lincoln was a Republican”

Eric Smith, 33, project manager

“I don’t want a president who can’t even lift his arms over his head. Did you know McCain can’t? It’s an old war injury or something”

Larry C, 23, store owner

“Obama, for many reasons but mainly because I believe we should never have been in Iraq”

Erik Martin Dilan, councillor for New York City Council

Alex Ray, director, DTZ
Alex Ray, director, DTZ


“I am still 50:50 and I am still waiting on details on certain points that are important to me. Then I’ll know more which way I am going to go”

Alex Ray, director, DTZ