Hats off to English Partnerships. I was delighted to read your confirmation that the agency is opening up the £60,000 house competition to all methods of construction, including brick and block (18 March, page 22).

It is about time that the prescriptive approach to methods of construction was abandoned. Where prescription – blacklisting by any other name – is still used it is proving to be anti-competitive and expensive, as shown by the Barker review.

Brick and block is responsible for the structure of 90% of all houses built in the past 10 years in the UK. It is what buyers and builders want and it is the sustainable option. Any solution to Britain’s housing crisis must turn to modern masonry methods, especially now that reports of brick and blocklayer shortages have proven to be largely mythological.

The housing industry must now crank up the value, durability and aesthetic quality of its output. Let us hope that other housebuilders follow the public example of Wates and get stuck into EP’s £60,000 challenge. The masonry industry is geared up and ready to respond.

Martin Clarke, chief executive, British Precast
