You have really rattled my cage now! I complained that Building should not publish health and safety photos when it could do something positive, like report the matter to the Health and Safety Executive. Then you published Charles Johnston’s letter (23 October, page 31) suggesting my view was a “minority opinion”. Here’s my reply:

  • I imagine most construction widows would be gutted to think this leading publication thinks these images are funny
  • I’m sure Mr Johnston wouldn’t see any humour in safety blunders if he or one of his staff had an accident. When he goes to tender interviews does he roll out some funny photos of his staff making blunders?
  • Why not publish the photo, but also report the matter to the HSE and advise your readers what should be done?
  • Do you honestly need a vote to decide whether health and safety is serious or not? Pathetic! Do you have any backbone at all?
  • The latin headline you used for my original letter meant something like “we are at fault”. You obviously didn’t mean it because you have carried on doing the same.
  • Last week’s blunder even had the firm’s sign on it. Why not name and shame it?

Yours disappointedly,

David Westwood
