Regarding the article “Row over supervisor safety training” (11 January, page 14), once again the Construction Confederation finds itself at odds with the rest of the industry.

At its latest initiative, “One Voice”, the National Specialist Contractors Council has been given a seat because it represents specialists, who do 55% of the industry’s work. Yet the rest of the seats are taken up by the Construction Confederation. Is this democracy in action?

If we are to break down the barriers of fragmentation then we must look beyond the 30% who believe it is their divine role to set the agenda for the 70% to follow. The trade press continues to ring to the tune that “industry leaders” are involved in the evolution of the construction industry. Egan and Latham have been and gone and yet we still haven’t mastered the lesson of respecting its people and having integrated teams.

Robert Hudson, director, National Association of Shopfitters/Shopfitting Independent Training Forum
