All Comment articles – Page 60

  • Richard Williams

    What can be saved from Connaught's collapse?


    Options for salvaging contracts with the failed social housing firm

  • Coin

    The silent QSs


    Are Building readers aware of the implications of the takeover of Davis Langdon by Aecom?

  • Comment

    The worst-laid plans


    Your excellent Brickonomics blog entry (23 February, highlights the sheer naivity of those putting forward this New Utopia planning system.

  • hansom ipod

    Hansom: Move over Sherlock


    Building’s supersleuth uncovers the truth behind celebrity interviews, appeals for help in identifying a missing person, tails the RICS/QS row and meets a double murderer

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    Turning the heat on fire report


    In your article “Insurers call for urgent probe into timber-frame fire risk” (27 August, page 9) you state that the UK Timber Frame Association dismissed the findings of the government’s report on fire safety

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    Count the costs


    I read with interest the article by Mr Justice Akenhead (3 September, page 47)

  • Pascal Shreurer

    Why I'm convinced by free schools: Free-range children


    Now the dead hand of central government has been prised from our throats, we can build schools in a way that is excitingly new - and strangely old-fashioned

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    International schools market: If you build it, they will buy it


    If you want to carry on building schools for the future, develop a cheaper product that you can sell to poorer countries that are desperate for decent classrooms

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    Wonders & blunders with Jonathan Foyle


    Jonathan Foyle adores the back-of-an-envelope creativity that led to Lincoln cathedral, but is worried about the people who move to the nascent city at Salford Quays

  • Andrew Vickery, Towers & Hamlins

    Tips for contractors taking on Connaught jobs


    The collapse of Connaught means many are looking into how its contracts can be novated or assigned, but there are a host of legal issue to consider first

  • Comment

    A nonsulting request


    Those of your readers who managed to read e-Building on their sandy beach may have noticed the pretty fundamental consultation launched by Andrew Stunell, the Minister for Building Regulations (“What would you do with the Regs, 6 August, page 20)

  • Comment

    The train line


    News that the likes of BT and Network Rail have been inundated with applicants for their apprenticeship programmes should be welcomed.

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    What's wrong with Laing O'Rourke


    Further to your article about Laing O’Rourke laying off 17,500 workers, when I worked there I only ever got in trouble for telling them their business models were flawed

  • This house was designed to be highly sustainable – and it is!

    You've got the wrong house


    I was very disappointed to read the main headline accompanying your article on the energy performance gap in new house building (“This house has been designed to be highly sustainable

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    Two into one won’t go


    The public sector is as diverse and complex as the private sector, says Paul Morrell. Treating the two as if they were the same will stop us building a collaborative relationship between them

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    Hansom: Under cover


    Our usual quest to stick our noses into the private business of others takes us from the corridors of power at the RICS to a private betting circle, pausing briefly to admire some tugs in Afghanistan

  • Thomas Lane

    Maglev vs high-speed rail: Should we change trains?


    The billions we will spend on HS2 will get us from London to Birmingham 28 minutes faster than the present system does. After Birmingham, the trains will travel on old lines

  • Left to right: David Leventhal, Lee Polisano and Ron Bakker consider the possibility that it will rain later …

    PLP: So business is looking up?


    Remember the Polisano crew who busted out of Kohn Pedersen Fox and started up on their own? That must have been a year ago now. Emily Wright found out what happened to them next

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    Building buys a pint … for Cameron Black


    “And what about Stuart sleeping in the Scooby Doo costume?” laughs Alison. All heads turn to Stuart

  • Comment

    Restructure or be left behind


    I read with interest Building’s recent article on the data for construction from the Office for National Statistics (“Newport, we have a problem”, 20 August,