All Comment articles – Page 56

  • Tom Broughton

    Growing pains


    It’s Budget week so we have up to the minute analysis of what this year’s Budget means for the construction industry. We also look at the effect the recent events in Japan will have on the nuclear industry and the UK’s new build programme.

  • Chris Hill 91

    How clients can protect themselves from contractors that underbid


    A legal view on tightening up contract terms and using two-stage procurement to route out unrealistically low bids

  • Richard Kauntze

    Once upon a time in the West


    We live in turbulent times with the ascendency of the East our most direct challenge. But reports of the death of the West have been greatly exaggerated

  • Alastair Stewart

    OFT could pay for being over-keen


    According to directives from Europe, the OFT’s fines are levied on the basis of companies’ global turnover, not profit

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    Business planning: home and away


    How do you plan ahead and formulate business strategies amid all the uncertainty of political uprisings - and the upcoming Budget?

  • Comment

    CITB levy: For and against


    We hear two opposing viewpoints over whether the CITB construction levy should be axed

  • Bernardine Adkins

    OFT reduced fines: A vindication for construction?


    The Competition Appeal Tribunal described the fines as ’excessive’ but that doesn’t mean cover pricing is suddenly okay

  • NA

    Who wants to be in social housing?


    Six months on from the collapse of Rok and Connaught, their competitors are scrambling to take their places against a backdrop of cuts and jittery clients. And now the big players are looking to muscle in on the social housing market

  • microphone

    Asking for the moon


    A lot of offices designed pre-recession and waiting to be built won’t meet the toughest environmental standards. Once we start building again, we have to aim higher

  • Jack Pringle

    Is anybody listening? Architect's future under the coalition


    In its scorched earth policy of slashing costs, the government thinks architects and design are almost entirely dispensible. It’s our job to convince them otherwise

  • Suzannah Nichol

    Value discount payments are counterproductive


    Passing pain down the supply chain is harming the whole industry

  • Comment

    Reading, writing and … building


    Ahead of next week’s BSEC event, Pascale Scheurer redefines the future of education building before

  • News

    BSF analysis: a hollow victory?


    On 11 February, Mr Justice Holman seemingly handed down a victory for six “brave” local authorities that had challenged the legitimacy of Michael Gove’s decision to scrap the BSF programme and cancel funding for schools projects in their areas.The Department for Education has taken comfort from the fact that the ...

  • News

    BSF analysis: the future’s clearer – sort of


    The two major developments in education over the past week - the outcome of the judicial review into the scrapping of BSF and news of how £800m of academies funding will be distributed - have solved some of the questions over the future of the nation’s school building programme.The judicial ...

  • Nick Raynsford

    Crossrail will breath life into Woolwich


    A landmark £100m deal between Berkeley Homes and Crossrail will put Woolwich on the map

  • Nick Chronias, Beachroft

    A guide to zero-tolerance in the workplace


    Laing O’Rourke is not the only employer to take a tough stance on IT misuse, but how far can employers go and how can they ensure staff are treated fairly?

  • greg verhof

    How planning can save you money


    We can save costs by advanced organisation and getting those involved in a project to work together, says Greg Verhoef. But alas, we’re missing opportunities to get the best out of each other

  • Comment

    Back to clients sharing risk


    Soaring commodity prices mean contractors must either play safe and miss out or take a dangerous gamble. Is it time for clients to share some of the risk again?

  • Tom Broughton

    Travellers' tales


    Will Nahkeel’s problems put firms off venturing abroad?