Technical guidance to help the building industry deliver key improvements to the energy efficiency of new homes has been published by Communities and Local Government.

As the Code for Sustainable Homes comes into effect, the manual sets out the requirements and the process by which a Code assessment is reached. It aims to make the system of gaining a Code assessment as simple as possible. It will help deliver homes which use less energy and produce fewer CO2 emissions as well as cutting down on water use and waste. It will also give homeowners better information about the running costs of their homes.

The Government has set the ambitious aim that all new homes will be zero carbon by 2016 and the Code will be the measure by which this target is assessed. The guidance will explain to code assessors, contractors, manufacturers and consumers how the Code levels can be achieved.

Communities and Local Government Minister Angela Smith said: “Homes account for more than a quarter of carbon emissions. Building the right type of sustainable homes for future generations is one way in which we can help achieve a 60% reduction in emissions by 2050.”