CIBSE is to offer free expert advice to help firms make energy savings.

The initiative follows on from last year’s 100 Days of Carbon Clean-up campaign which promoted behavioural changes that could have a significant impact on cutting carbon.

The expertise will be offered by the institution’s Low Carbon Consultants to 20 participants from various sectors to help them take practical and cost-effective measures to deliver energy savings.

The consultants will also enhance the organisation’s energy management skills by training a member of staff to carry out annual energy assessments, a skill needed to produce a building’s energy certificate.

The results from the pilot study will be used to provide new and improved guidance for the second 100 Days of Carbon Clean-up campaign, running from 11 September to 19 December.

Aimed at encouraging more people to save more carbon, the campaign will promote behavioural changes and managerial initiatives to save energy at work.

CIBSE president John Armstrong said: “We are delighted to be running our 100 Days: Realising the Savings pilot study with a view to launching the 100 Days of Carbon Clean-up campaign in September.

“We had such a positive and committed response last year that this campaign is set to save even greater amounts of energy.”